FAQ Category: Academics
Florida Community College/State College Course Equivalencies
UF COURSE COMMUNITY/ STATE COLLEGE EQUIVALENT COURSE DESCRIPTION BSC 2005 BSC 1005 BSC 2005 BSC 2007 BSC 1020 BSC 2020 Biological Sciences Human Biology BSC 2005 Lab BSC 1005 Lab BSC 2005 Lab BSC 1020 Lab Laboratory in Biological Sciences Human Biology Lab BSC 2010 BOT 1010C BOT 2010C BSC 1010 BSC […]
Read more »What are the required tracking courses needed for the ECE Majors?
For the Electrical Engineering major: EE Critical Tracking Courses MAC2311 Analytical Geometry & Calculus 1 MAC2312 Analytical Geometry & Calculus 2 MAC2313 Analytical Geometry & Calculus 3 MAP2302 Differential Equations PHY2048 + lab Physics with Calculus 1 PHY2049 + lab Physics with Calculus 2 CHM2045 + lab General Chemistry 1 For the Computer Engineering major: […]
Read more »Do you accept prospective applicants from 4-year public, private, or any out-of-state institutions?
All UF programs are mandated by state regulation and UF policy to give top transfer priority to students earning their 2-year AA degree at FL’s public state colleges, vs. those applying from other universities. That means that having already attended any other 4-year school puts you at a serious disadvantage as a transfer applicant. If a […]
Read more »Am I required to enroll in ENC3246-Professional Communication for Engineers?
Yes, all engineering transfer students are required to complete ENC3246 to earn their bachelor’s degree. It is the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering policy.
Read more »How many semesters will it take to complete my degree as State College AA Degree transfer student?
Electrical Engineering: minimum of six semesters, due to the course rigor and load. It is not possible to complete the required courses in four semesters Computer Engineering:: minimum of six semesters, due to the course rigor and load. It is not possible to complete the required courses in four semesters
Read more »Should I include my UFID number in my email to my advisor?
Yes, All ECE Advisors require students to include their UFID numbers in email correspondence. Including your, UFID will assist your advisor in reviewing your file.
Read more »The course I want to register for is closed. What should I do?
If the EEE or EEL course is closed, the ECE SSO advises students to continue checking the registration system. Students are continuously adjusting their schedules. If the course does not open, select an alternate course to complete your schedule.
Read more »How do I see which courses are being offered?
All course offerings are available on https://one.uf.edu/soc/.
Read more »When should I contact ECE Registration?
Students should contact ECE Registration when the following issues arise: Second Attempt for EEE & EEL courses: If you have received a registration prompt that says you cannot register because you have previously registered for this course and passed EEL/EEE undergraduate and graduate course prerequisites Students outside major who would like to register for ECE […]
Read more »I need assistance with registration for HWCoE courses
Do you need assistance in registering for the following Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering courses: EEL3003, EML3007, EGN6640, EGN6642, and EGS6039? For graduate courses, contact the instructor Undergraduate Courses: Email advising@eng.ufl.edu with the subject line “Assistance with Registration” and the Course Number and Class Number
Read more »Where do I find undergraduate announcements for the EE & CpE Majors?
All Electrical and Computer Engineering majors should check their individual Advising Corner on their Canvas page. The electrical engineering majors canvas page is Electrical Engineering Advising Corner. The undergraduate EE advisor(Nicole) will post all announcements and updates on the EE Undergraduate Announcements The undergraduate CpE advisor(Chip) will post all announcements and updates on the ECE […]
Read more »How do I change my major to electrical engineering or computer engineering?
Please visit the ECE Change of Major webpage, https://www.ece.ufl.edu/admissions/undergraduate/change-major/ The ECE Department will not change majors during the first week of school (drop/add period) due to the high volume of advising our current advisees. If you are interested in changing to our major, please see us during the middle of the semester.
Read more »How do I find information about my graduate funding or appointment?
Contact Payroll via email at payroll@ece.ufl.edu.
Read more »How do I register for supervised teaching?
Deadlines: Fall-July 2; Spring-November 15; Summer-March 30 Complete the supervised teaching request form: https://www.ece.ufl.edu/academics/graduate/ta-supervised-teaching/ The Faculty coordinator is Dr. Robert Fox. He can be reached by email at fox@ece.ufl.edu. Please use subject line: “Supervised Teaching.”
Read more »How do I find information about benefits available to graduate students?
All graduate student health insurance options: http://graduateschool.ufl.edu/graduate-life/student-life/health-insurance GatorGradCare Options for GAs, TAs, RAs: https://benefits.hr.ufl.edu/health/gatorgradcare/. You can also contact via email ECE Payroll Office: payroll@ece.ufl.edu Graduate funding or appointment: Contact the ECE Payroll Office at payroll@ece.ufl.edu
Read more »How do I complete the graduate transfer credit process?
Send your transcript as a PDF file via email to gradadvising@ufl.edu. The graduate advisor will contact you.
Read more »What is the process of the Concurrent Degree-Graduate level?
Please send an email after the drop/add period to gradadvsing@ece.ufl.edu.
Read more »How do I submit my graduate proposal/defense?
Send email to gradadvisng@ece.ufl.edu with subject line “Graduate Proposal/Defense Request” which includes the following information: Subject line: Graduate Proposal/Defense Request UFID Title of Proposal/Defense Date and time Location (room)
Read more »How do I contact the graduate advisor?
Students should only use gradadvising@ece.ufl.edu for all email correspondence.
Read more »I have a university petition to submit. Who is the interviewing officer?
The interviewing officers for the ECE Department are Chip Johnson and Nicole Young. Please email the advisor to schedule an appointment to discuss your petition. University Petitions are submitted through the portal on the following web page; https://registrar.ufl.edu/forms.html
Read more »How do I complete Grad Check for EE and CpE majors?
Please refer to the deadline date posted on the ECE Advising Corner Announcement page. Use the following link: https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9ZiYWiEkXrDzqbb
Read more »How do I submit EGN4912-Research paperwork?
Find a possible research opportunity and contact a professor/grad student leading the research. Electronically complete the EGN 4912 Research form: https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dd0rwaeRWJI2OoZ Your research advisor will receive and approve or deny your request. You will then be registered for this class by the student services office at the appropriate time. Complete your Research!
Read more »I have a form(s) to submit to the undergraduate advisor for signatures. How do I submit?
To submit a completed form to your undergraduate advisor, please use this link: Examples of acceptable forms: Student Financial Aid SAP forms Bright Future Extended hours form Extended Work hours form Dual Degree Forms Study Abroad Form Minor Forms EEL4905, EEL5905, and EEL6905 (for graduate students) Summer waiver form ECE Course Substitution
Read more »How do I change majors into electrical or computer engineering?
To change your major to electrical engineering, send an email to ntyoung@ufl.edu. Use Subject line: Change of Major. In the email body, include UFID, tracking courses and grades, and year in college. To change your major to computer engineering, complete the online form:
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