
Affiliate Faculty | Emeritus Faculty | Research Faculty

David Arnold

David Arnold

George Kirkland Engineering Leadership Professor Associate Chair for Faculty Affairs

Micro/nanostructured magnetic materials, magnetic microsystems, alternative power/energy systems (wireless power, energy harvesting, electromechanical circuits)
Navid Asadi

Navid Asadi

Associate Professor
Alan Hastings Faculty Fellow

Hardware security, Reverse engineering, 3D imaging and image processing, failure analysis, sensors, thermal barrier coatings

Swarup Bhunia

Swarup Bhunia

Semmoto Endowed Professor

Hardware and systems security, food and medicine safety, adaptive and energy-efficient computing, wearable and implantable systems

Zoleikha Biron

Zoleikha Biron

Assistant Professor

Security & control of cyber-physical systems, intelligent transportation systems, control theory, energy management

Christophe Bobda

Christophe Bobda

Associate Chair for Education

System on Chip Design, FPGA and Reconfigurable Computing, Embedded Systems, Computer Architecture, Cybersecurity, Resilient Systems, Embedded Imaging, Robotics

Yuheng Bu

Yuheng Bu

Assistant Professor

Machine learning, information theory, and signal processing, with applications to fair/trustworthy machine learning, uncertainty quantification, and anomaly detection

Baibhab Chatterjee

Baibhab Chatterjee

Assistant Professor

Energy-Efficient and secure analog/RF/mixed-signal circuits and systems for biomedical and IoT applications

Hamed Dalir

Hamed Dalir

Associate Professor

Mid-IR Photonics, On-chip Light Sources, Classical & Quantum Sensors, Ising Machine, AI Accelerator, Photonics Integrated Circuits

William Eisenstadt

William Eisenstadt


IoT for agriculture, mosquito control, health and safety, IoT networking using LoRaWAN and MESH, IC Test, analog/mixed signal design, RF/microwave circuits

Rickard Ewetz

Rickard Ewetz

Associate Professor

Effective 8/16/24
Emerging Computing Paradigms, Artificial Intelligence, Computer-aided Design, VLSI Circuits

Farimah Farahmandi

Farimah Farahmandi

Walden Rhines Endowed Assistant Professor for Hardware Security

Formal verification, post-silicon validation, design automation

Philip Feng

Philip Feng

Rhines Endowed Professor in Quantum Engineering
Associate Chair for Research

Solid-State Devices, Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS), Quantum Engineering, Nanotechnology, Transducers, High-Precision Measurement & Instruments, Advanced Materials

Renato Figueiredo

Renato Figueiredo


Virtualization in distributed systems, virtual networks, virtual machines, overlay networks, cloud computing

Domenic Forte

Domenic Forte

Steven A. Yatauro Faculty Fellow

Hardware security and trust, digital VLSI/CAD, and biometrics

José Fortes

José Fortes

AT&T Eminent Scholar

Distributed processing systems, cloud & autonomic computing, dependable systems, biodiversity informatics

Jie Fu

Jie Fu

Nelms Rising Star Endowed Assistant Professor

Control theory & formal methods; game theory

Kent Fuchs

Kent Fuchs

Professor & President Emeritus

Dependable computer systems, testing and failure analysis of integrated circuits

Baoyun Ge

Baoyun Ge

Assistant Professor

Electromechanical energy conversion and power electronics, with a special focus on their topologies and multiphysics design to promote long-term sustainability

Jing Guo

Jing Guo


Modeling, simulation, and design in nanoelectronics, quantum computing

Joel Harley

Joel Harley

Associate Professor
Kent and Linda Fuchs Faculty Fellow
Director, NSF Center for Big Learning

Signal processing, data science, acoustics, non-destructive evaluation, structural health monitoring, speech processing

Elham Heidari

Elham Heidari

Assistant Professor

Nanophotonic and optical interconnect, Integrated photonics, Quantum engineering, Sensors, MOS and nanostructure device modeling

Md Jahidul Islam

Md Jahidul Islam

Assistant Professor

Robot Perception; Machine Vision; Underwater Robotics

Mingyue Ji

Mingyue Ji

Associate Professor

Effective 8/9/24

Jack Judy

Jack Judy

Intel/Charles E. Young Chair in Nanotechnology

The development of novel micro/nano scale systems and their use in a wide variety of engineering and bio medical applications

Adam Khalifa

Adam Khalifa

Assistant Professor

Low-power Analog/RF/Mixed-mode ASIC design, miniaturization, wireless powering, electrode design/microfabrication, coil design/fabrication for magnetic stimulation, neural stimulation and recording in animal models, and implant packaging

Dennis Kim

Dennis Kim

Assistant Professor

Pico and Nanoscale Engineering, Semiconductor materials, 2D materials, Quantum Engineering, Microscopy and Spectroscopy, Statistical thermodynamics, quantum-mechanical simulations

Laura Kim

Laura Kim

Assistant Professor

Effective 8/16/24

Sanjeev Koppal

Sanjeev Koppal

Associate Professor
Kent and Linda Fuchs Faculty Fellow

Computer vision, computational photography, sensors, optics, image/video processing

Herman Lam

Herman Lam

Associate Professor

High-performance heterogeneous computing, reconfigurable computing, and computer architecture

Mark Law

Mark Law

Distinguished Professor

Design and modeling of IC fabrication process, computer modeling of semiconductor process and device behavior

Jian Li

Jian Li


Signal processing for wireless communications and RADAR

Janise McNair

Janise McNair


Wireless and mobile networking, next generation wireless systems, medium access control protocols

Nima Maghari

Nima Maghari

Associate Professor

High performance data converters, delta-sigma modulators, synthesizable A/D converters

Sean Meyn

Sean Meyn

Robert C. Pittman Eminent Scholar Chair Professor

Markov processes, spectral theory and large deviations; Stochastic approximation, reinforcement learning

Kamran Mohseni

Kamran Mohseni

W. P. Bushnell Endowed Professor

Aerial and underwater vehicle control, autonomous systems, cooperative control, mobile wireless sensor networks

Robert Moore

Robert Moore


Electromagnetic waves, non-linear energetic interactions in the ionosphere, remote-sensing applications of ELF/VLF propagation

Nicholas Napoli

Nicholas Napoli

Assistant Professor

Signal processing; complexity analysis and entropic methods; machine learning and data fusion; uncertainty modeling; human systems and human performance; system engineering; human physiology

Toshikazu Nishida

Toshikazu Nishida

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Multi-functional semiconductor devices, (Sensors, logic, actuators, memory, MEMS), design, characterization, and reliability

Karim Oweiss

Karim Oweiss

Graduate Admissions Coordinator

Sensorimotor integration, computational and systems neuroscience, brain-machine interfaces

Erin Patrick

Erin Patrick

Associate Instructional Professor
Undergraduate Coordinator

Biophysical modeling of electric-field effects on cells, semiconductor-device modeling and simulation, neural interfaces

José Príncipe

José Príncipe

Don D. & Ruth Eckis Endowed Distinguished Professor

Adaptive systems, learning theory

Vladimir Rakov

Vladimir Rakov

Distinguished Professor

Lightning, atmospheric electricity, lightning protection

Keith Rambo

Keith Rambo

Instructional Professor

Lightning and electromagnets, devices and semiconductor device manufacturing

Ann Ramirez

Ann Ramirez

Associate Professor

Low-power design, reconfigurable computing, platform design, dynamic optimizations, hardware design, real-time systems.

Sandip Ray

Sandip Ray


Trustworthy computing; reconfigurable platforms; automotives and IoT; post-silicon validation; formal methods

Ivan Ruchkin

Ivan Ruchkin

Assistant Professor

Safe and trustworthy autonomy, cyber-physical systems, guarantees for learning components, formal methods, robotics, autonomous racing

Eric Schwartz

Eric Schwartz

Instructional Professor

Robotics, embedded systems, controls, autonomous mobile agents

John Shea

John Shea


Wireless communication & networking, military & secure communication, cross-layer design, networked autonomous vehicles

Mark Sheplak

Mark Sheplak


Micromachined transducers, MEMS, electroacoustics, aeroacoustics, and fluid mechanics

Catia Silva

Catia Silva

Instructional Assistant Professor

Machine learning, signal processing, pattern recognition, computational neuroscience, cognitive science

Volker Sorger

Volker Sorger

Walden and Paula Rhines Endowed Professor in Semiconductor Photonics

Devices & optoelectronics, AI/ML accelerators, mixed-signal ASICs, quantum processors, cryptography

Roozbeh Tabrizian

Roozbeh Tabrizian

Associate Professor
Nelms Rising Star Endowed Professor

RF micro- and nano-electro-mechanical systems, nonlinear, nonreciprocal, and hybrid NEMS for sensing and information processing; Emerging ferroelectric materials and devices

Mark Tehranipoor

Mark Tehranipoor

Sachio Semmoto Department Chair
Intel Charles E. Young Endowed Chair Professor in Cybersecurity

Hardware security and trust, IoT security, electronics supply chain security

Scott Thompson

Scott Thompson


Solid state electronics and nano technology, new materials and devices to extend Moore’s law. Electrical measurements and modeling

Ant Ural

Ant Ural

Associate Professor

Carbon nanotubes, semiconductor nanowires, and related nanostructures. Integration of nanotechnology with silicon microfabrication

Shuo Wang

Shuo Wang


Power electronics, electrical power, electromagnetic interference, electric vehicles, green energy conversion and grid integration, electromagnetic security, IoT security, cyber security, and hardware security

Tan Wong

Tan Wong


Wireless communications, physical-layer security, software-defined radios

Damon Woodard

Damon Woodard

Director, Florida Institute for National Security

Biometrics, Artificial Intelligence, Applied Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Natural Language Processing

Wenhsing Wu

Wenhsing Wu

Instructional Assistant Professor

Semiconductor electronics, manufacturing, measurement and failure analysis, wireless network testing

Yingying Wu

Yingying Wu

Assistant Professor

quantum materials, quantum devices, nanoelectronics, magnetism and spintronics, nonvolatile memory, unconventional computing (e.g. quantum and neuromorphic computing)

Jie Xu

Jie Xu

Associate Professor

Effective 8/12/24

Tuba Yavuz

Tuba Yavuz

Associate Professor

Automated verification, model checking, and automated model extraction

Yong-Kyu Yoon

Yong-Kyu Yoon

Graduate Coordinator

3-D MEMS technology; micromachined metamaterials for radio frequency and microwave applications; mm-wave antennas

Alina Zare

Alina Zare

Associate Dean for Research & Facilities

Machine learning, pattern recognition, remote sensing, artificial intelligence, image processing


Emeritus Faculty

Gijs Bosman

Gijs Bosman

Professor Emeritus

Primary Research Area:Devices

Yuguang Michael Fang

Yuguang Michael Fang

Emeritus Distinguished Professor

Primary Research Area: Computer Engineering

Jerry G. Fossum

Jerry G. Fossum

Emeritus Distinguished Professor

Primary Research Area: Devices

Alan D. George

Alan D. George

Professor, Founder & Director of NSF Chrec Center

Primary Research Area: Computer Engineering

Jacob Hammer

Jacob Hammer

Professor Emeritus

Primary Research Area: Signals & Systems

Haniph A. Latchman

Haniph A. Latchman

Professor Emeritus

Primary Research Area: Signals & Systems

Jenshan Lin

Jenshan Lin

Professor Emeritus

Primary Research Area: Electronics

Arnost Neugroschel

Arnost Neugroschel

Professor Emeritus

Primary Research Area: Devices

Martin A. Uman

Martin A. Uman

Emeritus Distinguished Professor

Primary Research Area: Electrophysics

Henry Zmuda

Henry Zmuda

Emeritus Associate Professor

Photonics, Lasers, electromagnetics


Research Faculty

Chandraman Patil

Chandraman Patil

Research Assistant Professor

Photonic Devices and Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs), Material Metrology, Heterogeneous Integrated System, Photonic Interconnects

Nicola Peserico

Nicola Peserico

Research Assistant Professor

Integrated Optical Circuits and Silicon Photonics, with a special focus on advance heterogenous integration, hardware for Machine Learning and Neural Network, and (bio)sensing with integrated photonics.

Hao Wang

Hao Wang

Research Assistant Professor

Nano-photonics & optoelectronics, Novel materials, Quantum Devices, and neuromorphic computing

Ronald Wilson

Ronald Wilson

Research Assistant Professor

Hardware security and trust, Reverse engineering, Stylometry, Psycholinguistics, Machine learning, Computer vision, Natural language processing