Senior Design (EEL 4924C)

It’s a tradition in the ECE Department—as a semester comes to a close, ECE seniors gather to showcase their Senior Design final projects to a crowd of fellow students and onlookers. Senior Design capstone projects are traditionally done by two-person teams, students working together to create a project which represents the culmination of the undergraduate ECE experience.

The projects are completed with help and advice provided by instructors Mike Stapleton and Eric Leibner, and overseen by a member of the faculty.

Learn more about the background of a past project in the video below. 

The Senior Design (EEL 4924C) experience is critical to an ECE student’s journey—the capstone project is meant to be a synthesis of everything learned during the program. The challenges faced as students see the project from inception to completion mirror the challenges graduates will find in industry or in academia. Students must learn to work together collaboratively, highlighting how important communication and mutual respect are to success. And finally, students must learn to discuss their work, defend their design choices, and explain their work.

Students also gain proficiency with a wide variety of equipment. From soldering irons to multimeters, from power supplies to generators, ECE lab facilities are filled with the equipment students need to be successful.

Want to learn even more about senior design projects and competitions? Click here