Internship Employer Evaluation

Internship Evaluation--Employer

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • The company or organization sponsoring the internship
  • Supervisor Information

  • Performance

    Please rate the student's performance based on comparisons with other students of comparable academic level; with other personnel assigned to the same or similar jobs; or with individual standards.
    1 Star = Marginal
    2 Stars = Below Average
    3 Stars = Average
    4 stars = Very Good
    5 stars = Outstanding
  • What were the student's strengths (indicate special knowledge, skills, interests)?
  • Where could improvement be most profitable (i.e. special courses, further experience, communication skills, etc.)? What can the student do for self-improvement and what help should be provided?
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.